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EFT Tutorial and Guide


DALL·E 2024-09-04 15.30.29 - A detailed and instructional image for an 'EFT Tutorial and G

Your First Kills

In your first raids, you’ll likely die quickly (or hide in a corner) without achieving much, but soon you’ll manage to take down someone, whether it’s another player or an AI.

In either case, you’ll need to approach and loot them.

First, remember that looting bodies is optional. Only loot if it’s relatively safe (for example, avoid looting bodies in open fields where you’re exposed to multiple lines of sight), and only after checking that there are no other enemies nearby.

You can never be completely sure there are no threats around, so if it feels too risky, it’s better to move on. It’s far better to miss out on loot than to die and lose everything you already have.

There’s also the infamous “YOLO Technique”, where you rush to loot without checking anything, grab what you can as quickly as possible, and run. Sometimes it works out, but don’t complain if it doesn’t, and you end up with a hole in your head!

If you decide to loot a body, be quick and avoid wasting time arranging items perfectly in your bag. Take the essentials and leave the rest if you’re out of space or becoming too heavy.

Greed can be deadlier than a squad of angry Tagillas.

Always remember that danger could be just around the corner and that the sound of gunfire will likely attract other AI or players who will ambush you if you relax too much after eliminating an enemy.

Use hotkeys to quickly transfer items to your inventory instead of dragging each item manually, which wastes valuable time.

  • CTRL + Left Click moves an item from an external container to your inventory.

  • ALT + Left Click equips a weapon or wearable item (rig, backpack, helmet, etc.) if the slot is available.

  • DELETE discards an item, dropping it on the ground (read the Keybinds Guide for tips on rebinding this command to a more accessible key, as you'll use it a lot and timing is critical).

IMPORTANT: When auto-moving items to your inventory using CTRL + Left Click, be mindful of where they end up. Some items go directly into your backpack, while others—such as ammo, grenades, and magazines—go into your rig. Remember to always leave at least enough space for the magazine in your weapon, or you will drop it when reloading (take into account your side arm magazine too if you have one equipped, and if you have extra mags for it with you).


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