EFT Tutorial and Guide

Too much loot!
Once you become familiar with the game’s maps and start defeating enemies, you’ll realize there’s an abundance of loot—surely more than you can carry due to space and weight limits!
It’s essential to know what to prioritize. Beyond items needed for tasks or the hideout, it’s crucial to identify items with the most utility and value.
This will come with experience, but until then, there are several websites where you can check the value of items, even mid-raid:
There are also apps that display additional in-game information, like item values when you hover the mouse pointer on them, but it’s not 100% clear whether using them risks a ban, so I don’t feel comfortable promoting the use of these tools to you.
A common rule many players follow is to fill their inventory with items worth more than 10,000 rubles per slot. For example, a single-slot item worth over 10,000 rubles or a four-slot item worth more than 40,000 rubles.
Note: Patch 0.16 introduced a pretty big change by introducing the rule by which now to upgrade your hideout you need FIR (Found In Raid) items. Read the article I wrote about this for info, tips and a greatly useful video made by Pestily on where to find the loot you need!
TIP: Some containers take up fewer slots than the number of slots they provide. For example, certain chest rigs occupy 9 slots but offer 16 internal slots. This means that by placing such a rig inside your backpack, you effectively gain 7 additional slots! The only drawback is that the rig adds weight, which can slow you down or drain your stamina faster. However, this is a valuable trick to learn, especially early on when you're undergeared and usually carrying a lighter load.