EFT Tutorial and Guide

The Right Gear
Becoming proficient with weapons and gear in Escape from Tarkov is essential for staying alive. To gain an advantage, you need to grasp the finer details of firearms, ammunition types, and equipment.
There’s a lot to say about this topic, but since you're just starting out, it's better to focus on the basics.
First, because you're still learning how to survive. Second, because your options are very limited at the beginning. You don't have access to the Flea Market, and your reputation with traders is low, which limits what you can buy from them.
You'll always have time to deepen your knowledge through articles here on The Tarkov Central and many other online sources later.
Since every time you go on a raid, you risk everything you bring with you (except in Practice Mode, of course), it's important to carefully balance your equipment. Bring what you might need to overcome challenges, but don’t overdo it.
Your gear also needs to be suitable and balanced for your raid objective and your survival chances. Unfortunately, money matters too, meaning the cost of what you're risking by bringing it into the raid also plays a role.