EFT Tutorial and Guide

If You Decide to Stay Still, Don't Move!
Remember that it’s not only walking, running or firing your weapons that make noise.
In EFT, sounds like accessing your inventory, switching fire modes, raising your weapon to ADS (another reason why being skilled at hip fire is essential), checking your magazine, preparing a grenade, healing, eating, or drinking can be heard from a considerable distance.
Also, be mindful of other sounds your character may produce, like heavy breathing after running or groans of pain if injured.
So, if you’ve decided that staying silent and still is the best strategy, remain as motionless as possible.
TIP: if you need to rotate your character to watch around you or understand better where sounds are coming from, remember 2 things:
You can use the freelook function to rotate only your head, which doesn't make any sound
If you really need to rotate your whole character, never do it standing still because when your feet skip on the ground to perform the rotation they will generate a very audible sound of friction with the ground. It's better if at the same time you move slightly your character at minimum speed with WASD while rotating (this works better if you're also crouching). Your steps will still make a bit of noise, but sensibly less.