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EFT Tutorial and Guide


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Your stance, weight and movement speed determine how much noise you make.

Stance also affects factors like weapon recoil and arm fatigue when aiming down sights (ADS).

It also affects the rate of stamina regen and consumption for both arms and legs.

You can assume three stances: standing, crouching, and prone.

  • It's the stance that lets you move faster, but also making the most noise

  • When aiming down sights it consumes the most arm stamina

  • It causes the highest recoil both in ADS and point fire

  • It's also the stance that needs the most time to recover both the arms and the legs stamina

  • You can sprint from the standing stance

  • You can gradually crouch by holding the crouch key (default C) and scrolling the mouse wheel

  • When crouching, you can adjust your height gradually by holding the crouch key (default is C) and scrolling the mouse wheel

  • It's a position that consumes intermediate amount of arm stamina between standing and prone when aiming down sights

  • It provides better recovery than standing for both arms and legs stamina

  • It provides much better recoil control than standing, but worse than prone

  • The quietest way to move is by crouching at the lowest height and at the lowest speed

  • It's more quiet than prone, but when moving while crouched you consume stamina

  • The prone position provides the best recoil control

  • It causes the least arm fatigue (sensibly less than the other 2 stances, huge difference)

  • It provides the best arms and legs stamina regeneration

  • It restricts movement significantly
    You're very slow and if you move with WASD while shooting you'll stop shooting, so be careful what you do. You can only lean left and right while shooting.
    Also, getting up takes some time—this can be a serious disadvantage if you need to escape from a grenade, for example.

Stamina regen and consumption table

This table provides rough, approximate measurements in seconds for stamina regeneration and consumption times across the three stances. These values are purely indicative, intended to highlight the differences among the three stances, rather than provide precise or definitive data, as they vary depending on skill progression and the use of stims

table providing measurements in seconds for stamina regeneration
Stance change
  • You can get up from prone or crouch position to standing by pressing the jump button.

  • If you're crouching and start sprinting (SHIFT+W) the character will automatically stand up and start running

  • Changing stances from crouched to standing consumes legs stamina

  • Changing stances from prone to standing consumes both legs and arms stamina

  • Changing stances from prone to crouching consumes both legs and arms stamina, but less than standing up

BUG: Be aware that there are some bugs causing some sounds to not be influenced by movement speed. For example, the noise made by vegetation when you touch or pass through it can result to be louder (louder than it sounds to you) and audible from a greater distance than it should, even if you're moving as slowly as possible.

Also, be careful when you’re hiding in a bush or touching tree branches, the contact with foliage and/or branches may continue to cause rustling sounds even when you’re stationary, potentially revealing your position to enemies.


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