Given the massive number of items in Escape from Tarkov that you can loot during raids, the Wishlist feature is an excellent way to keep track of what you need and remember to collect specific items.
Previously, there was only one wishlist, but now it’s possible to categorize items in different wishlist categories:

Items added to the Wishlist have a blue border, and a symbol appears in the lower left corner, indicating the category they belong to.

When you collect an item on your Wishlist, you’ll receive a notification.
In the settings, you can choose to enable or disable these notifications permanently or under certain conditions (Wishlist item notifications: enabled, disabled, in stash only, in raid only).

You can also activate the "Auto add to Wishlist" option in the settings for specific categories:
Favorite crafting recipes: Items required for your favorite crafting recipes are automatically added to your Wishlist.
Hideout zone upgrade items: Items required for available hideout upgrades are automatically added to your Wishlist.
Favorite crafting recipes and Hideout zones: Combines the previous two options, so items needed for both your favorite crafting recipes and available hideout upgrades are added to your Wishlist.

Personally, I keep "Wishlist item notifications" set to "Enabled" and "Auto add to Wishlist" on "Favorite crafting recipes and Hideout zones". This way, during raids, I am notified by the interface about items I need to upgrade the hideout or for the crafting recipes I frequently use, whether for raid items or for crafting items to sell for money.
However, remember that for pure profit, it’s often better to sell individual ingredients, as their combined value is often higher than the crafted item’s. Crafting is only worthwhile for a few items, usually high-value ones like the Defibrillator or ammunition (be sure to check it since this may vary a lot), or to level up the Crafting and Hideout Management skills even if it’s not profitable.
Wishlist Limitations
Unfortunately, there’s no indicator showing the quantity of an item already in your stash, which would let you know during raids how many units you need. Currently, items remain highlighted until you remove them manually or complete the hideout upgrade they’re required for. You can always sell extra units on the Flea Market, but you might have used that inventory space for other, higher-value items.
Another missing Wishlist feature is the ability to choose which Wishlist category to view when accessing the Flea Market. If this were possible, it would be useful to create a "shopping list" to quickly find the items to buy, rather than searching manually one by one.