When players get the Therapist's quest Supply Plans, they are faced with a tough decision: Skier offers a conflicting quest, Kind of Sabotage, asking you to betray her and deliver the secure folder to him instead. He promises a generous reward—but is it worth crossing Therapist? And what will the consequences be?

The decision on which quest to complete—Supply Plans or Kind of Sabotage—primarily comes down to the rewards:
Both quests grant +0.04 reputation points with their respective trader.
Therapist provides 7,500 EXP, while Skier offers only 4,500 EXP.
Skier gives 180,000 Rubles, far more than the 75,000 Rubles from Therapist.
Therapist also gives a CMS Surgical Kit
Importantly, you won't suffer any reputation loss with the trader you "betray" by choosing the other.
So, the choice essentially depends on whether you prefer the extra cash from Skier or the higher EXP from Therapist.
If you're aiming for more EXP, then Therapist is the better choice.
If you're more focused on Rubles, then Skier offers a more lucrative reward.
One extra factor to consider is that the CMS Surgical Kit from Therapist might come in handy for Jaeger's quest Ambulance, which requires you to turn in 2 CMS kits. The other CMS kit can be earned from Jaeger's own quest, The Survivalist Path - Tough Guy.
Personally, I chose not to betray Therapist and completed Supply Plans because, early on in the wipe, it was more beneficial for me to gain extra EXP to reach level 15 and unlock the Flea Market as quickly as possible.