The new patch brings fresh content and key improvements to Escape from Tarkov: Arena, enhancing both gameplay and strategic options. Notable adjustments include a reduction in cash and experience rewards to balance the fast progression compared to Escape from Tarkov. Here are the main changes worth noting.

Adjusted Cash Rewards and Experience Points
In an effort to rebalance progression between Escape from Tarkov and Arena—especially following the latest wipe, where Arena enabled PMC characters to progress far too fast compared to EFT alone—this patch reduces cash and experience rewards across several modes. Cash rewards are now 15% lower in BlastGang and LastHero modes and 20% lower in TeamFight. In Checkpoint, the reward structure includes 275,000 roubles for victory, with deductions for losses and draws. Additionally, experience points for actions such as kills, headshots, and objectives have been scaled back to create a more balanced progression.
Frankly, I expected these reductions to be much larger; they’re around 15-20%, which is fairly reasonable given how quickly players were earning both money and experience in Arena compared to EFT.
In my opinion, despite the reductions, Arena will remain an excellent way to gain experience, cash, and improve PMC skills for those who want to take advantage of it. This should reassure players who were worried about losing Arena as an efficient progression option, though I’m sure there will still be some (unreasonable) complaints.
EFT Task Synchronization and Compensation
The patch addresses a major issue by restoring task synchronization between Escape from Tarkov and Arena. Known bugs causing desynchronization between player profiles in both games have been fixed, with compensation promised soon for players who lost progress due to these problems.
I genuinely hope this fix finally resolves the synchronization issues that led to lost reputation with EFT’s traders, and that these problems don’t return. For players who’ve been affected, especially those waiting months, I hope the promised compensation arrives soon. The delays have frustrated many, with several players even stepping away from EFT because of this issue.
New Map - Fort
This update introduces Fort, a new combat arena available in the BlastGang and Checkpoint modes. The map is set in a mid-19th century Russian fort, initially built as a prison and later used as a military base. Now repurposed, it offers players a unique and atmospheric setting for high-stakes gunfights.

New Game Mode - Checkpoint
The patch adds Checkpoint, an unranked team deathmatch mode with respawns, where the goal is to capture control points across the map. Teams earn points for each objective they hold, and victory goes to the team that first reaches the required score. This mode is currently available on Bay 5, Bowl, and Fort.
Synchronization of Clothing
The update improves the integration between EFT and Arena by restoring synchronization for tactical clothing. Now, outfits purchased in one game can be used in the other, although some items remain restricted due to design conflicts, such as armband colors.
New Grenades
This patch also introduces two new types of grenades: the V40 Mini-Grenade and the yellow M18 smoke grenade. The V40, less lethal than traditional grenades, replaces RGD-5 and F-1 grenades in certain modes to reduce unintended deaths. Meanwhile, the yellow M18 enhances tactical play with thicker, faster smoke deployment.
Bug Fixes
A series of bug fixes aim to improve stability and overall gameplay quality. For example, they resolved an issue where the laser module was incorrectly displayed for spectators and fixed a bug that caused players' kill counts to reset after reconnecting in LastHero mode. Notably, the patch also addresses a problem where items weren’t available for unlock and purchase even after meeting all conditions and corrects item layering issues when transferring items from Arena to EFT. Additionally, a couple of issues causing unwanted temporary bans have been fixed.
For a full list of changes, you can check the complete patch notes here.
Got thoughts on the patch? Drop your hottest takes in the comments—I’m all ears (and ready for the drama)!