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Duping, or not duping, this is the question.

Updated: Jan 20

The EFT community is on high alert over potential duping exploits that could destroy the game's economy through the Flea Market. Let’s see if there’s any truth to these concerns.

Recently, the Escape from Tarkov community has been buzzing with concern, sparked by streamers like Axel and VeryBadSCAV, over the possible existence of an exploit or cheat that allows players to duplicate in-game items.

It's false!

Initially, this idea was met with skepticism. Many thought it was simply a misunderstanding, with accusations of cheating/exploiting aimed at players buying large amounts of an item at a specific price, only to resell it at a higher price, effectively manipulating the market.

However, it now seems there might actually be a method to duplicate items.

So, is it true?

Without diving too deep into the details (so as not to encourage people to exploit it), the method allegedly involves joining a raid with a friend and then disconnecting from the raid by pressing ESC and choosing to leave.

Normally, this action would leave the player's character severely wounded and their inventory empty due to receiving a "Missing In Action" (MIA) status. But apparently, due to a current bug, players performing this action keep all their gear, and nothing is lost. Meanwhile, the friend still in the raid can loot the disconnected player's body, retrieving the same gear, thus completing the duplication.

Will the in game economy collapse then?

This method is quite laborious and time-consuming, so I doubt it will lead to a full market collapse in EFT, but I’m sure there will be some bored players with too much free time looking to exploit this bug for some illicit gains or extra Roubles.

Even though the effects of this exploit appear not to be game-breaking and might not cause a huge amount of damage, we still hope Battlestate Games isn’t too distracted by TwitchCon and manages to fix this bug as soon as possible.

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