The new wipe in Escape from Tarkov (EFT) has introduced a new trap for players. The way transit points work isn't straightforward and hasn't been properly explained. Let's see how they function and the issues they can cause for first-time users.

In Patch 0.15, "Marathon Mode" was introduced, allowing players to move from one map to another. Now, with Patch, you can transition between maps during any raid without activating Marathon Mode (which is no longer available).
However, the exact mechanics of these transit points haven't been clearly explained, leading to confusion among many players.
For example, a Reddit user recently posted a screenshot asking why all his extraction points were red, thus unavailable, making it impossible for him to extract from the map he was on (like in the screenshot above).
What Happened?
Here's how the transit point works:
Activation Prompt: When you enter the area where a transit point can be activated, an "Interact" prompt appears on your screen.
Starting the Transition: Pressing the interaction key (default is F) initiates the transition phase.
Item Transfer Interface: An interface appears, allowing you to transfer items (both FIR and non FIR items) to your stash. You'll need to pay a fee that depends on the number of items you transfer. This is similar to interacting with the BTR on the Woods or Streets of Tarkov maps.
Countdown Begins: After clicking "Deliver" to transfer items (or "Cancel" if you choose not to transfer anything), a 30-second countdown starts. At the end of the countdown, you're moved to the next map.
Transition to the other map: After the usual queuing and loading screens, you will spawn in.
Note: that if you had any blacked limb it will be restored and you will only need to heal it. If you had already fixed it using a surgical kit it will still be restored and you will only need to heal it. You will have to heal it even if you fixed it because when you use the surgical kit you restore the limb only partially. It will only have part of the initial HP pool. After transitioning, the limb's full HP pool will be restored.
Consequences of interacting with the transit point
No Return: Once the countdown has started, you can't go back to the item transfer screen, even if you leave the transit area and go back in.
Extraction Points Unavailable: You can leave the transit area to continue exploring, looting, or fighting on your current map. However, all extraction points become unavailable, so you can't exit the raid through them. You can only transit to another map.
Other Transit Points Remain Active: If the map has multiple transit points to different maps, you can still use the other transit points to go to those maps.
Restarting the Countdown: Returning to the transit area will start a new 30-second countdown, after which you'll transition to the next map.
The "Trap"
The trap arises when players accidentally interact with the transit point, which is what happened to the Reddit user I mentioned earlier.
Once you do this, there's no way to reverse it, all extraction points become unavailable and the only options left are to either transit to the next map from the transit point we interacted with, or to transit to another map via a different transit point, in case the map we are in has more than one available.
This is particularly risky on maps like Shoreline, where the transit point area for Lighthouse partially overlaps with the extraction point called "Path to Lighthouse." While it might seem logical for these areas to overlap, it can cause confusion and unintended interactions in the game.
The Moral of the Story
While I hope that BSG will change how the interaction with transit points works—allowing us to abort a transit to avoid mistakes and modify the items we've selected to transfer to our stash—for now, be cautious about what you interact with in the game.
Happy exploring, and safe transitions to all!