During Patch 0.14 wipe, BSG introduced a feature allowing players to quickly use consumables with a double-click. While it's a convenient quality of life improvement, it’s led to accidental use of valuable items, like injectors and Moonshines.

Before Patch 0.14 players had to right-click an item and select "use" from the menu to use a consumable. Double-clicking opened the item’s inspect panel, displaying its stats and description.
Recently, BSG introduced a feature allowing players to quickly use consumables with a double-click. While it's a great Quality Of Life improvement during raids, where every second matters, it has led to accidental use of valuable items, like injectors and Moonshine.
Players accustomed to double-clicking to inspect items often end up using them by mistake. Accidentally consuming a bottle of water isn’t a big deal, but using a valuable Bottle of Fierce Hatchling Moonshine, worth around 200k Roubles, is a costly error.
This issue is especially prevalent outside of raids when players want to check item stats in their stash or inventory.
To address this, BSG added a setting that lets players control when double-clicking causes item use. We can now choose between Disabled, In Raid Only, and In Raid and Stash.
By default, it should be set to "In Raid Only." However, it seems some players may have accidentally changed the setting or, for some reason, didn’t get it set by default to "In Raid Only" after the update.
To avoid costly double-clicking mistakes, head to your in game Settings. On the first page, you'll find the option (refer to the screenshot). Ensure it's set to your preferred setting and click "SAVE".
I personally keep it set to "In Raid Only". Although I still occasionally double-click items to check stats out of habit during raids, this setting has saved me from accidentally using anything valuable.