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EFT Tutorial and Guide


DALL·E 2024-09-04 15.30.29 - A detailed and instructional image for an 'EFT Tutorial and G

Don’t Re-Peek!

It’s worth repeating: when in combat with AI never peek from the same cover twice in rapid succession, unless you’re desperate or seriously tempting fate!

The AI remembers your position and is programmed to react faster each time you peek out to look or shoot. As mentioned, it may not shoot immediately the first time, but if you stay exposed too long or make the mistake of peeking again, your chances of survival are slim.

This is a golden rule in EFT that every seasoned player will recommend (although even the experts sometimes slip up and get one-tapped as a result!).

TIP: When in combat with other players re-peaking can be as much dangerous as with AI, but it’s easier for a player to not react fast enough if you peak just for an instant and it can be a way to bait them to shoot and waste ammo. And when they reload you can take the chance to attack and kill them.


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