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EFT Tutorial and Guide


DALL·E 2024-09-04 15.30.29 - A detailed and instructional image for an 'EFT Tutorial and G


If you’ve started exploring a map as I suggested, you’ll have already gained some experience with your character’s movements.

Escape from Tarkov offers a unique experience with character movements. Through great animations, inertia and sound design, you can feel the weight of your character and weapon, while enjoying a wide range of movement options.

To lean the basics about movement, study the Movement section on this EFT Wiki page: How to Play Guide for Escape from Tarkov

Here are some tips about Movement:


  • When you sprint you always reach the maximum speed, no matter how heavy you are. What changes is the time you need to reach the maximum speed and the amount of stamina consumed while sprinting.

  • By default, the Q and E keys let you lean left and right, respectively but I strongly suggest changing them -  check the Keybinds Guide i prepared to know how and why.

  • Circle strafing: it's a technique that allows players to reduce the impact of inertia on strafing. In other games, when players are in combat they change strafing direction to dodge bullets. In EFT, instead of just pressing A and then D (or vice versa) to change the strafing direction, when in combat or when peeking an angle, it's advisable to press W or S before pressing the key to go in the opposite direction. So if I am strafing left with A and I want to go right to dodge bullets or to go back to cover behind an angle, instead of pressing D immediately, I press W or S and then D. This way the impact of inertia on my direction change is much lower.

  • The two above tips can be combined to maximize the effect when peeking a corner.

  • And in this other video another move is added, the quick lean tecnique - How to quick lean in Tarkov (peek like no generals)

For a comprehensive overview of advanced movement techniques to maximize combat success in Escape From Tarkov, I recommend checking out an interesting and useful YouTube video by streamer DesmondPilak: The Ultimate Beginner Movement Guide for Escape From Tarkov. Being a year old, it includes an outdated section on right-peeking and left-peeking (as shoulder transitions hadn’t been implemented at the time), but it remains highly relevant and valuable. One of the most important thing shown is the freelook peek, when he runs past the door and uses freelook to look inside an spot potential enemies.

Note: It’s recommended to disable automatic vaulting in the game settings, as it increases resource consumption. It’s best to set it to a key you press only when you want to vault. For example, I’ve set it to the spacebar—holding it activates vaulting, while tapping it lets me jump. Check the Keybinds Guide for the full explanation on how to set it properly.


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